A place of friendship,
camaraderie and
unflinching support.

About The Men's Shed

The Men’s Shed. The group was started by us, Gary and Andy.

A little bit about The Men's Shed... Two lads who met at very low points in our respective lives. Between us we have experienced loss, trauma, depression and addiction, leading to a place nobody should find themselves.

Luckily, with the strength and support of our very special wives and families, and the reliance on each other, we made it through those testing times and realised we wanted to provide a space for men, who are just like us, and feel like they have nowhere to turn, nobody to talk to or no other options..
...Well now you do!


Our group , The Men’s Shed, has grown into a family. A place of friendship, camaraderie and unflinching support and we welcome new members every week.

There’s no judgement, no pressure and no obligation. Just a friendly, supportive ear.

What we want...

We want to see the stigma around men opening up about their struggles and mental health and well-being normalised. We live in a world where asking for help is deemed to be weak and that is what we want to change.

This approach has to become different.

A one where men feel that they can open up, shout, cry, vent, laugh and share all of that with someone else who understands.


What do we do?

We are a group who have an extensive, lived experience background ranging from depression and anxiety, addiction and dependency through to loss, bereavement and family breakdowns.

It’s this experience we use to provide support and assistance to those who may be experiencing similar circumstances, as well as various other struggles life throws up at us from time to time.

Where necessary, we can signpost our group users to professional organisations that can assist on a more specific or 1-1 basis.